Brewery Ommegang
Awesome beer! This brewery is located in Cooperstown, NY and was represented by a friend of the brewmaster or owner (I forgot the details, hehe, probably both). I give them an A+ on the packaging of their product, 750 ML bottles with a cork and cork cage, cool! I've only seen it at the Trig's in Eagle River, I gotta check the Rhiney Trig's and see if they have it there.
I really fell in love with the Three Philosophers Quadrupel! My only note in my book was "interesting". It had a really cool taste! The taste was surprising because you could not smell what you tasted. Kinda like a coffee stout, sometimes you can smell it and taste it, other times you can't smell it, but do taste it. The Quadruple was the same way... The taste was a fruity taste, but not overly so. I could not put my finger on it and didn't have the book open at the time, but the gentleman serving said it was cherries. And it was! Weird how you can't quite put your finger on the flavor until someone gives you a hint. I guess this is why I will never be a professional beer taster:) We spent a lot of time around this booth at the end of the night. A few other guys we had run into from time to time throughout the event were there too. A couple of dudes from Muskego, WI who had a cabin near Conover and happened to hear about the event on the radio. They were pretty cool and fun to talk with.
I sampled all of their beer, but the only ones that really impressed me was the Quadrupel and the Hennepin Farmhouse Saison. The Hennepin was like drinking a fine champagne! Itty bitty bubbles and a fruity hit. I was blown away! These two beers will find a place in my bar again and again, provided Trig's in Rhinelander has them. :)
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