Sunday, June 11, 2006

That Fuggled Up IPA is gonna be a star!!

This camera crew was around for a while taking some video. Here they are checking out the Falls Brewing table. No doubt they are interested in the new packaging and label changes that Falls Brewing is going through. By the way, good call on changing you labels and packaging, Falls Brewing! The old stuff was UGLY, better yet, FUGLY!!

The Fuggled Up IPA was a really good beer! I love those hoppy beers, but this one didn't seem so jacked up, for being an IPA. The nice gentleman pouring said that it was brewed in the English style, not the American style, and so it was not quite so hoppy as you might expect if you were used to American IPA's. Cool, I learned something today!! The Honey Blonde and Nut Brown Ales were also some very tasty beers! Posted by Picasa


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